Sunday, January 21, 2018



The idea behind this song came after listening to the great song of the 80s Tainted Love by Soft Cell. That catchy and epic melody really inspired me and I wanted to do something similar, so I started to write the lyrics of the verses and later I added the chorus, which was originally the bridge of another song of mine. Writing the songs for this album has been like putting together the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle because I had lots of ideas that I had been accumulating over the years and now they have finally taken shape. For me, singing and writing songs was some kind of repressed desire because I was being bullied in high school and people made me feel like I wasn’t worthy, so I used to spend hours locked in the bathroom listening to my favorite albums and singing along to get rid of my demons but it was something I would always do like secretly and this song is about not willing to repress my instincts anymore. It has a lot to do with this awakening I’ve been experiencing for the past few years in which I’ve started to produce songs and I’ve realized that this is what makes me happy no matter what other people say. I may not be the best singer but I do not give up on trying to improve day by day. Singing is not just a craving for me, it is an essential need like breathing or drinking water and I’ve always had the theory that if you feel it inside and you need to do it, you are a real singer, no matter what other people think. It’s like what Whoopi Goldberg says to one of her pupils in Sister Act 2, quoting a famous writer: “If when you wake up in the morning, you can’t think of nothing but writing, then you’re a writer”. So, with this song, I’d like to give a similar message to those people who feel the same way about singing and encourage them to never give up on what they like doing only because some other people criticize it, because criticizing is an easy thing but being brave enough to follow your dreams is what makes the difference.


This song was recorded two times, just like some others on the album, and I like the final result rather than the first one recorded but I have to admit that the voice could sound better, though. It’s a difficult song to sing because the notes of the chorus are pretty high and long but I’m proud, anyway, of the composition in itself and I’m learning little by little to love my voice and its tone. 

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