Sunday, June 3, 2018


I don’t really wanna know about the real nature of the world


I’ve always been a curious person. Maybe too curious, I’d say. This can be good when not taken too seriously but it can completely turn out to be the opposite thing. For someone like me, who’s been through a psychotic break, with lots of paranoia and strange ideas running through the mind, it ends up being really harmful and self-destructive to try to understand all of those things. Obsessively wanting to get to know the truth has clearly slowed my recovering down sometimes, so that’s why I wrote this song, as a reminder of not taking it too hard on myself when things are not supposedly going the way I’d wish they went or when the answers are not the ones I was expecting. 

I consider this song some kind of continuation of The Question, because they both are thematically similar, although this one is clearly told from a rather optimistic point of view and it’s happier than The Question musically speaking. I like the fact that the song has this ironic double-meaning in the title and the lyrics of the verses but, as I was saying, the main message is about not overanalyzing life and always choosing love first, following the idea about love that I tried to imprint on the other album: love may not be the only important thing in life, but it’s utterly necessary nowadays. Real love can save us and set us free.

The songwriting method used for this song was different than the one for Here And Now, which happened very spontaneously and fast. In this case and as for many of my other songs, the process was like doing a jigsaw puzzle, in which each one of the three main parts of the structure (verse, bridge, and chorus) came from isolated and unfinished parts of other songs I had written before. Putting them in order was easy and, although I wasn’t very sure of the chorus choice at first, the only part that was specifically written for the song is the ending, that line repeated over and over as a reminder of not being obsessed with knowing the truth and which sounds almost like a celebration of it all.


I really like the final result of the song, mainly because of the secondary vocals we have recorded for this one. I usually travel to Barcelona once a month for each recording session but this time I did it twice in order to record those vocals, and it’s been a great idea because it’s honestly one of my favorite songs vocally speaking. The instrumental and other great arrangements that the producer has made for the song are beautiful as well but, speaking for myself, I’m pretty satisfied with my corresponding work this time. Another important factor is that I have been able to actively participate in the choice of the vocals from the diverse takes that were recorded, so that the final chosen voice would be more accurate, according to my personal taste. In the end and with all the experimentation, I’m little by little learning to improve the current methods so that the final result gets better each time.

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