Tuesday, April 4, 2017


I must confess that I have never been a very big fan of this movie. Not because I find it bad in general terms, but because I think it had the potential to be amazing, and for some reason that didn't happen in the end. One of those reasons is that, in my opinion, the script focuses too much on the revenge story instead of the love story, which ends up being secondary even though the thesis and the final line seem to be about this last one. I think that the vengeance story occupies too many scenes and it ends up being repetitive having to see each of the vile characters killed one by one. Maybe focusing a little more on the story of the young girl who was friends with the main character and his girlfriend or even adding an entirely new subplot would have made a significant difference. However, it can’t be denied that there’s an aura of mystery around the whole movie and, after all these years, it still has an enchanting and unique aesthetic. The gothic look of the movie is amazing and it has nothing to envy the films nowadays. Besides, the fact that the main actor died while shooting the film makes his last appearance on screen legendary and he will remain immortal thanks to that. So, despite some flaws in the script, this is still a great cult movie to be recommended.

I mainly chose this movie to be accompanied by the “I’ll Be There For You” song because the lyrics were directly inspired by one of the lines of the dialogue from the script, which reproduces the very same words: the memorable “it can’t rain all the time”  line which was translated in Spanish as something like “it can’t rain forever” or “it can’t rain eternally”. I remember I was emotionally touched when I first heard this line in the movie and it remains one of my favorite scenes in it.

Besides, rainy weather has always been something appealing to me, especially since I started to go through dark times in high school. I remember listening to “All is full of love” by Björk or watching the movie Stigmata while the rain was falling out there and feeling comfortable with the cloudy sky and the sound of the raindrops. Do you remember the amazing song “I’m only happy when it rains” by Garbage? That’s totally me! I guess that's because I like to believe that, no matter how sad or dark life gets sometimes, the rain is a reminder that the sun will rise up again someday. And we need to be reminded that, in order to shine, there's gotta be darkness too.


I would say that there are two theses in this case. Both of them can be extracted from the very same words written in the script. One of them could be the earlier mentioned “It can’t rain all the time”, meaning that nothing’s eternal: pain will fade away in the end and we need to learn how to embrace it in order to overcome it. On the other hand, the other thesis could be the final line of the movie, which is spoken by the young girl who also introduces us to the story in the opening scene: “If people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. BUILDINGS BURN; PEOPLE DIE, BUT REAL LOVE IS FOREVER. 

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