Thursday, July 27, 2017

HIGH TENSION (Switchblade Romance) Tribute

I watched this movie during more or less the same period of months that I watched Cube. I got to know about it thanks to that horror movies website that I mentioned in the previous post and I rented it from the older movies section of the video store too. At first, I thought that it would be like some kind of Tv movie with a poor story and aesthetic but I was completely wrong. Watching this movie was a true EXPERIENCE. I had never seen anything like that before and it could be considered my first introduction as the spectator of this gore torture porn sub-genera that movies like Wolf Creek, I Spit On Your Grave or Martyrs have offered over the past decade.

The best aspect of the movie is the cinematography and the realization of the tension scenes, which are shot in a very original and realistic way. The movie makes clear the honor of its title because, once the action starts, the tension never lows until the ending. You can really feel the danger and worry about the characters, mainly because of the brilliant choice of shootings. The performances are great too, especially the one given by the protagonist. 

The worst part of the movie with no doubt and many people will surely agree, is the ending. We have seen a lot of turning-tables endings and it’s fine if you know how to solve it in a subtle and coherent way but it doesn’t work at all in this movie. Many people think that this ending ruins the whole movie and I can completely relate to that claim because, after having seen such great tension scenes, you feel fooled by that ending and it pisses you off. However, it can’t be denied that eluding the ending, it is still one of the best horror movies ever made and one of my favorites too.


I would say that the thesis of this movie is similar to the one that I exposed in the Black Swan post. Once again, you deal with mental illness or psychotic break, and, for me, it’s pretty clear that it has something to do with the self-repression suffered by the main character and her obsession with her friend.

Thesis: The repression of our deepest instincts may be one of the causes of some mental illnesses.

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